Software for Canonical Time Warping



This page contains software and instructions for canoical time warping (CTW)[2] and generalized time warping (GTW)[1]. In addition, we implemented the following methods as baselines:

In order to align more than two sequences, we extended DTW, DDTW, IMW and CTW to pDTW, pDDTW, pIMW and pCTW respectively in the framework of Procrustes analysis[6].


1 2     3 4 5
>> cd ctw >> ls make.m addPath.m demoToy.m demoToys.m demoWeis.m demoKit.m demoMix.m testToy.m testToys.m testWeis.m readme.txt data lib src >> make >> addPath >> demoKit

Package Content

The package of contains following folders and files:
data: This folder contains a subset of CMU Grand Challenge dataset, CMU Mocap dataset, Weizmann Action dataset and an accelerometer sequence.
src: This folder contains the main implementation of CTW, GTW and other baseline methods.
lib: This folder contains some necessary library functions.
make.m: Matlab makefile for C++ code.
addPath.m: Adds the sub-directories into the path of Matlab.
demoToy.m: A demo comparison of different alignment methods on aligning two synthetic sequences.
This is a similar function used for visualizing (Fig. 3) the first experiment (Sec 5.1) in the CTW paper[2].
demoKit.m: A demo of using CTW on aligning two CMU Grand Challenge mocap sequences.
This is the same function used for visualizing (Fig. 4) the second experiment (Sec 5.2) in the CTW paper[2].
demoToys.m: A demo comparison of different alignment methods on aligning three synthetic sequences.
This is the same function used for visualizing (Fig. 4) the first experiment (Sec 5.2) in the GTW paper[1].
demoWeis.m: A demo comparison of different alignment methods on aligning three Weizmann video sequences with different features.
This is the same function used for visualizing (Fig. 5) the second experiment (Sec 5.3) in the GTW paper[1].
demoMix.m: A demo of using GTW on aligning three multi-modal sequences (mocap, video, and accelerator)
This is the same function used for visualizing (Fig. 6) the third experiment (Sec 5.4) in the GTW paper[1].
testToy.m: Test alignment methods on aligning two synthetic sequences 100 times.
This is a similar function used for reporting (Fig. 3h) the first experiment (Sec 5.1) in the CTW paper[2].
testToys.m: Test alignment methods on aligning three synthetic sequences 100 times.
This is the same function used for reporting (Fig. 4g) the first experiment (Sec 5.2) in the GTW paper[1].
testWeis.m: Test alignment methods on aligning three Weizmann video sequences 10 times.
This is the same function used for reporting (Fig. 5h) the second experiment (Sec 5.3) in the GTW paper[1].


How to initialize CTW and GTW?

CTW and GTW can be initialized by any temporal alignment algorithm. In our experiments, CTW, GTW and other iterative time warping methods were initialized by uniform time warping (UTW). Given two sequences of different lengths, UTW uniformly and linearly stretches sequences to align frames. For instance, given two sequences, where X = [x1, x2, x3] and Y = [y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6], UTW aligns the frames as {x1, y1, y2}, {x2, y3, y4}, {x3, y5, y6}.

How to set the parameters for CTW and GTW?

One of the most important parameters for CTW and GTW is the regularization weight λ for CCA. This is because without proper regularization, CCA becomes an ill-posed problem in high-dimensional space. I usually set λ=0.1. But you might need to tune this parameter for your applications.

How to use DTW for aligning more than 2 sequences?

One of the most important parameters for CTW and GTW is the regularization weight λ for CCA. This is because without proper regularization, CCA becomes an ill-posed problem in high-dimensional space. I usually set λ=0.1. But you might need to tune this parameter for your applications.

Which functions are implemented in C++?

For each C++ code, we provide its corresponding Matlab version. For instance, you can use dtwFordSlow.m instead of dtwFord.cpp. They have the same interface in both input and output. The C++ code is faster to obtain result while the Matlab version is easier to understand and debug.

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This software is free for use in research projects. If you publish results obtained using this software, please use this citation:

@article{ZhouD16,     author = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},     title = {Generalized Canonical Time Warping},     journal = {Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)},     year = {2016},     volume = {38},     number = {2},     pages = {279-294}, }

Contributing back bug fixes and improvements is polite and encouraged. If you have any question, feel free to contact Feng Zhou.